State Bar of Georgia
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FAQ/Ethics    [+] Show All Answers

  1. A woman came to my office for help with her divorce case, but there is another lawyer representing her now. May I speak with her?

    是的,除非你现在代理的人与她的利益相悖. Rule 4.第2条并不禁止无私的律师向目前由律师代理的人提供第二意见.

  2. How long should I keep closed client files?

    道德规则并没有要求律师在任何特定的时间内保留不公开的文件. The exception is trust account records. Rule 1.第十五条(一)确实要求律师在案件结案后至少保存信托账户记录六年. There is a four year statute of limitations for disciplinary investigations; Rule 4-222 provides that the statute may be tolled up to two years in certain situations. 在决定销毁文件时,还应该考虑潜在的医疗事故索赔和其他法律.

  3. 我想根据我每个月的律师费给我的律师助理发奖金. Is that ethical?

    Rule 5.4 discusses a lawyer splitting a legal fee with a nonlawyer. 正式咨询意见05-4规定,律师根据全部或部分基于利润分享安排的计划补偿非律师雇员在道德上是适当的.

  4. I'm leaving my law firm. 我可以告诉我处理过文件的客户我要开自己的诊所了吗?

    正式咨询意见97-3认为,离开事务所的律师应在道德上通知他或她积极代理的客户. The communication may be oral or written. The lawyer may advise the client of the lawyer's departure, provide a new address, 并通知当事人律师愿意为当事人提供法律服务.

  5. I've been fired but the client still owes part of my fee. May I keep her file until she pays?

    If keeping the file will be detrimental to the client's interests, you may not hold the file to guarantee payment of your fee. Rule 1.16(d)和正式咨询意见87-5就这个问题提供了进一步的指导.

  6. May I take a new case if it will require me to sue a former client?

    Maybe. Rule 1.第9条允许律师代理与前客户利益相反的新客户,但前提是双方的利益没有实质性关联, or if the former client consents. Rule 1.关于保密和秘密的问题也可能会对律师进行不利于前客户的代理的能力产生一些影响. 规则要求律师在获得客户对此类代理的同意之前,必须做出非常具体的披露, 所以请拨打道德热线和我们谈谈你的情况.

  7. 我从法学院毕业,参加了律师资格考试,现在在一家律师事务所工作. Can I call myself a lawyer?

    No! Even if you have passed the Bar, 你必须在法庭上宣誓,并在乔治亚州律师协会注册,然后才能在乔治亚州执业. Until then you may not give legal advice to anyone. 你不得出庭或在提交法庭的文件上签名(个人事务除外). If a judge allows you to sit with counsel during a hearing, or if you attend a deposition with a licensed attorney, you may not question witnesses or make objections. 你也有义务向那些误以为你是律师的人澄清你的身份. Be sure that the firm letterhead, 网站和其他出版物在您完全获得资格证书之前不会将您称为律师. 在等待律师协会的结果和许可期间,你可以在律师事务所完成许多任务. You may draft briefs or pleadings for a lawyer's review and signature. You may interview clients and witnesses, 在律师的指导下传递法律建议(明确建议来自有执照的律师). Formal Advisory Opinions 19, 21和00-2进一步描述了哪些任务可以适当地委托给律师事务所的非律师.

  8. 我可以在哪里对我的律师提出投诉或报告与我的律师的问题?

    乔治亚州律师协会的客户援助计划(CAP)处理律师和客户之间的问题. CAP has many ways to help solve your problems. For general and statistical information about CAP, please see the CAP webpage. If you wish to speak to a CAP Administrator, please call 1-800-334-6865 and ask for the CAP line, or dial direct to 404-527-8759. CAP cannot receive inquiries by email.

  9. How do I obtain a disciplinary history?

    Please Note for Complete Disciplinary History Requests: Pursuant to Bar Rule 4-224 of the State Bar of Georgia, 所有不导致纪律对答辩人的不满,从我们的记录中删除一或两年后的一段时间.  

    总法律顾问办公室以信件形式提供纪律记录,每封信15美元. Requests will be processed and mailed within 10 business days. 

    To order and pay for your disciplinary history online, please login by clicking here and proceed to the Store. 

    To pay by check, log in to the member portal and download the form. 将填妥的表格和付款寄给总法律顾问办公室, State Bar of Georgia, 104 Marietta St. NW, Suite 100, Atlanta, GA 30303, Attn: Karen Cooper. The check should be made payable to State Bar of Georgia.

    如果你不再是乔治亚州律师协会的成员,你需要一份你的纪律历史的副本, contact Karen Cooper at 404-526-8634 or for assistance.

    Questions? Contact Karen Cooper, 404-526-8634 or

  10. What does my disciplinary history letter include?

    纪律记录信包括所有未被删除的不满, all confidential discipline, public discipline and membership status.

  11. When is a grievance expunged?

    如果你收到申诉而总法律顾问办公室驳回了申诉, 自解雇之日起一年后,申诉将从我们的数据库和记录中删除. 如果申诉被分配给国家纪律委员会,随后被驳回, 该投诉将在解雇之日起两年后从我们的数据库和记录中删除.

  12. 如果我需要在10个工作日内收到纪律记录信怎么办?

    假设你需要在不到10个工作日内收到纪律处分信. In that case, you may email us a Federal Express shipping label, 您的信可以通过隔夜或第二天送达的方式寄给您. Contact Karen Cooper at 404-526-8634 or to arrange a FedEx shipment of your disciplinary history letter.

  13. 我的纪律记录信是否包括良好信誉证书?

    No. 你必须从会员部订一份信誉良好的信. You can order the letter in the Store on our website.